Guidelines for Authors and Conditions for submission
It will be considered the work of Portuguese and foreign authors, written or subtitled in English and Portuguese. Will be considered the correspondence with the editorial line of the review, the originality of the theme, the consistency and the rigor of the theoretical and methodological approach. The articles, videos, e-exhibitions, interviews, and book reviews should be sent to the editorial team through a specific form (available in submission calls).
Article, book reviews and interviews
To facilitate double-blind review, in the submission form the personal data will be registered with restricted access and the paper (which should not reveal the identity of the authors) is submitted through a .doc, .docx or .txt file (up to 4MB) with:
o  Title;
o  Abstract - up to 150 words;
o  3-5 keywords;
o  Article.
o  In this file short citations should be inside the paragraph enclosed in quotation marks. References to authors or citations in the body of the text: (Pereiro, 2009) (Pereiro, 2009: 26);
o  Citations of more than three lines or citations from interviews must be submitted in separate paragraph;
o  Titles of the same author with the same publication year should be identified with a letter after the date: (Bortolotto, 2011a) (Bortolotto, 2011b);
o  Notes should be numbered with Arabic numerals in ascending order listed at the bottom of the page;
o  Pictures (.jpg, .png) tables inserted in the text, not at the end;
o  References (bibliographic) with author surname in capitals at the end of the article.
In the next sections the review is not blind, conflict of interests must be communicated by the reviewers.
Documentaries and other video works 
o  To view the video: send the link with access reserved - YouTube or Vimeo;
o  Videos up to 10 minutes;
o  The work submitted must be finalized;
o  The lack of sound and image quality is cause for rejection of the video;
o  There should be explicit in the video: title, director(s), producer(s); credits for the technical aspects; list of participants; year; partner organizations; host or financing organizations; other information;
o  File in .doc. .docx or .txt with the following information: title, synopsis, credits and subtitles (up to 4MB); 
o  Later, the selected videos should be sent in only one file MP4/H.264.
 e-Exhibitions and Artistic creations (video, photos or illustrations) 
To presentations in video: send the link with access reserved - YouTube or Vimeo; Power Point file (.ppt, .pptx) or other format for editors’ consideration (up to 4MB).
+ Word file (.doc, .docx) or txt with:
o Title, synopsis, credits and subtitles (up to 4MB).